340g Peanut Butter For Dogs | 100% Natural Dog Treats


  • After a careful observation of a dogs love for peanut butters, this “Poochnut Butter” is made with 100% Natural Peanut Butter has been specially formulated for dogs and is a natural source of Protein. Your dog will love to lick it direct from the pot.
  • The Dog treats are made from Quality Peanuts with NO SALT or SUGAR, NO XYLITOL, No HARMFUL SWEETNERS and are completely “Wheat Free” & “Gluten Free” that makes it 100% Safe for dogs.
  • Poochnut Butter is ideal to stuff into Dog toys or Dog Puzzle Toys, Dog Training toys and spread onto licking mats to keep your dog entertained and motivated.
  • For using this special formulated peanut butter, there is no limitation to any breed or age, as it is a balanced and healthy treat for all dogs. Why not to make your own Dog Buscuits or treats and add this delicious Poochnut Butter.
  • Each Jar has 340 Gram Peanut butter in it and you can choose appropriately and save more with bulk buys. These peanut butters comes with very Long Expiry Dates and the compact design makes it easy to store.

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